Film Festival 2023This is the third annual Film Festival, after being introduced during COVID-19 by the 2020-2021 group of officers. Originally created as a way for art and creative performance to continue in a time where theater was difficult, it functions as a way for DDC members to try new forms of performance and explore their own creative ideas.
Date: thursday, may 11th @ 6pmLocation: CPA |
Films and synopsis
Band Takes the Field
Directed by Elena Lu Documentary 17 minutes PLOT DESCRIPTION
Directed by Alec Althoen Drama 5 minutes PLOT DESCRIPTION
Directed by Brock Mclntyre Comedy 26 minutes PLOT DESCRIPTION
Angels Legacy
Directed by Kate Rossow Drama 16 minutes Grief shapes and changes people and in Zachary’s case it is no different, or so it seems. After losing his sister to war out on the high seas, Zachary is overcome by a wave of grief as he travels through the common five stages: Denial, Anxiety, Bargaining, Anger, and…. well, can he accept this? Or will he seek a new path: Revenge.
Beach Journey
Directed by Spencer Collin Comedy 6 minutes A paranoid birdwatcher is minding his own business when suddenly, while sitting down in the frozen shores of Lake Michigan, he notices a mysterious fisherman off in the distance. Things quickly get out of hand when the fisherman begins following the birdwatcher through the woods. The movie explores grief and redemption through a nearly wordless experience, largely to the backdrop of jazz and classical music.
Directed by Xavier Reyes Thriller 1 minute PLOT DESCRIPTION
Silence of the Garfs
Directed by Avery Meloche Comedy 10 minutes Garfield (Scary)