Forms and Information
Welcome to the page where you will find all the important information for Cast, Crew and Pit!
Here you will find links to payment and contracts, bio forms, swag, and more!
Here you will find links to payment and contracts, bio forms, swag, and more!
snack station
Choose your child's favorite item and choose to send it to Bethany Platter. She will distribute the items to the students appropriately. Thank you!
Come back next show to find all this important information!
Production fee
Production fees help cover expenses during the show process including but not limited to costumes, props, set, and food during show week.
Take time to fill out this contract. Parents and students please read and understand what is outlined in this contract.
Take time to write a bio telling the audience past theater experience, interesting facts, what you are excited about, and thank yous. Remember to use third person.
Come back next show to pre-order your SWAG!
Short sleeve show shirt
Long Sleeve show shirt
Zip-Up Hoodie
Choose an Angelgram with Text only or Text AND Photo. Please be sure to fill out both the form and pay!