Photo Archive of Past Shows and Events!
3D 2024 crew headshotsLittle women show week picturesClassic Literature Weekend Tech Week Pictureslittle women cast headshotsPippin Tech Week PicturesPippin Crew HeadshotsDisney's Frozen jr. Middle School Show week picturesDisney's Frozen jr. Tech Week PicturesDisney's Frozen jr. High school headshots3d 2023 tech and show week pictures3d 2023 director headshots3D 2023 crew headshotsMURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS CREW HEADSHOTSMURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS TECH WEEKTHE SOUND OF MUSIC CAST HEADSHOTSThe sound of music pit headshotsThe sound of music show weekDescendants crew headshotsDescendants cast headshots3D 2022: Stage Manager Headshots3D 2022: Director headshots3D 2022: The Grimm Brother Spectaculathon3D 2022: Latin Aeternus3D 2022: ConflictThe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Actor HeadshotsThe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Show WeekThe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe RehearsalsFootloose Headshots
3D 2024 Director HeadshotsCharlotte's web show week picturescharlotte's web cast headshotsClassic Literature weekend crew headshotsPippin Show Week picturesPippin Cast HeadshotsDisney's Frozen jr. High school show week picturesDisney's Frozen jr. Middle School headshotsDisney's Frozen Jr. Crew Headshots
murder on the orient express cast headshotsMURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS SHOW WEEKTHE SOUND OF MUSIC CREW HEADSHOTSthe sound of music tech weekGABE LINDEMANN PHOTOGRAPHS - SOUND OF MUSICDescendants show weekDescendants tech week3D 2022: Bushes of Love3D 2022: The Final Rose3D 2022: Barbara's BarbershopThe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Tech HeadshotsThe Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe SetbuildFootloose Tech WeekFootloose RehearsalsRomeo & Juliet Tech WeekRomeo & Juliet RehearsalLittle Mermaid Tech WeekLittle Mermaid RehearsalThe Little Mermaid Company/Iconic Photos
Tarzan HeadshotsTarzan Tech Weekend3D 2021 Iconic Photos3D: That's Not How I Remember it3D: Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the Moon3D: Crafting a Killer3D 2021 Director HeadshotsSherwood HeadshotsSherwood Set Build |
Fiddler on the Roof Dress Rehearsal
Fiddler on the Roof Pit Orchestra
Fiddler on the Roof Headshots
3D: Sweet Potato Madness
3D: Mara
3D: Sunflowers
3D: Alice
3D: The Absolutely Most Cliched Elevator Play in the History of the Universe
3D: Red Card
3D: Re-Animator
Wizard of Oz Act 2
Wizard of Oz Act 1
Wizard of Oz Headshots
Wizard of Oz Pit Orchestra
Wizard of Oz Set Build
Wizard of Oz Tech
Homecoming 2019
Little Shop of Horrors Tech
Booby Trap |
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Fifth Period |
Dino Detective |
The Whole Shebang |
Eight Forty Six |
Sure Thing |
Game of Tiaras |
The Magic School Bus: Bus For Lunch |
Oliver! Dress Rehearsals |
Oliver! Pit Orchestra |
Oliver! Tech |
Oliver! Set Build |
Peter Pan Act Five |
Peter Pan Act Four |
Peter Pan Act Three |
Peter Pan Act Two |
Peter Pan Act One |
Peter Pan Tech |
Peter Pan Set Build |
Peter Pan Company Party |
Peter Pan Group and Iconic Picture |
Peter Pan Headshots |
Peter Pan Billboard |
Much Ado About Nothing |
Much Ado About Nothing: Headshots |
Much Ado About Nothing: Tech Crew |
Much Ado About Nothing: Set Build |
Off Q Improv Performance |
On The Town: Company Photos |
On The Town |
On The Town: Headshots |
On The Town: Pit Orchestra |
On The Town: Set Build |
On The Town: Tech Crew |
On The Town: Read Thru |
3D: Tech Crew |
3D: Bonding Event Photos |
3D: Tracks |
3D: The Killing Joke |
3D: Procrastination Sensation |
3D: Partners in Crime |
3D: Houston We Have A Problem |
3D: Expectations |
Lion King: Bonding Event Photos |
Lion King: Set Build |
Lion King: Company Photos |
Lion King: Dress Rehearsal |
Lion King: Headshots |
Lion King: Tech Crew |
Beauty and the Beast: Dress Rehearsal |
Beauty and the Beast: Teasers Day
Beauty and the Beast: Bonding Event Photos
New York Trip 2016
Treasure Island
Treasure Island: Bonding Event Photos |
Homecoming Parade 2016 |
Spring Musical 2016
3D 2016
Homecoming Parade 2015
Disney's Sleeping Beauty
Grease |
The Great Gatsby